
Land Talk collects and presents conversations with observers about changes outdoors over time in places they know well. The observers are usually older people who describe changes in a place they have observed for a long time, at least 20 years. Volunteers submit audio and/or video of their conversation with an observer, along with writing about the themes discussed during the conversation, and photographs or drawings of the changes through time.

A few volunteers started Land Talk to make a site for people to share their stories about changes in a place they know well and have observed for a long time. Key contributors to date include Deborah Gordon (who developed the original concept for the site), Erik Steiner, Greg Niemeyer, Cody Leff, Sibyl Diver, George Hilley, Petra Diekes-Thrun, Stace Maples, Jennifer Lu, Izzy Ampil, Lynne Zummo, Chris Tan, Ada Zhou and Cindy Kuang.

Special thanks to the Brown Institute for Media Innovation and the Center for Spatial and Textual Analysis (CESTA) for their help with project development.


Have a question or comment for the Land Talk maintenance team?  Use the form below to send us a message, and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.